In the storyline context of the original trilogy, Jabba is introduced as the the crime boss who placed a bounty on the head of heroic smuggler Han Solo and employees bounty hunters including Greedo and Boba Fett to capture or kill him. He is a large slug-like alien known as a 'Hutt' who, like many other of his species, operates as a powerful crime lord within the galaxy with a base on Tatooine. Jabba the Hutt is a fictional character created by George Lucas. The planet was first seen in the original 1977 film 'Star Wars', and has to date been featured in a total of six 'Star Wars' theatrical films as of 2019. It is beige-colored and depicted as a remote, desolate world orbiting a pair of binary stars, and inhabited by human settlers and a variety of other life forms. Tattooine is a fictional desert planet that appears in the 'Star Wars' space opera franchise.