Star wars galaxies jump to lightspeed
Star wars galaxies jump to lightspeed

star wars galaxies jump to lightspeed star wars galaxies jump to lightspeed

Many of the new games coming out seem to have borrowed some of the things this game broke ground on. The graphics and some of the dynamics the game introduced really are exceptional. While this has turned off a lot of the current players as well as former players, whom may have thought of coming back, it has also made things simpler and somewhat more balanced.

star wars galaxies jump to lightspeed

The mystery and challenge of unlocking the Jedi is now gone, today you can simply opt to be a Jedi and go. Once you could make a hybrid character mixing professions to make an all-your-own type of character, today you pick 1 of 9 character types and pretty much follow that throughout. Many of the core game dynamics that made it intriguing to users are gone.

star wars galaxies jump to lightspeed

Today you're either going to love it or hate it. Today the Star Wars Galaxies players once loved is no more. At release the general conscience was that it is fun for PvP, Crafters, Soloist, and group oriented players alike. Star Wars Galaxies, was a smashing hit upon release but has since changed its format. Most of the bugs have been worked out and this expansion does add to the overall Star Wars feel. Space is wide and vast and the play style was reminiscing of X-Wing command. Upon release joystick functionality was introduced. Personally I really enjoyed hoping in my A-wing and blasting Tie-Fighters, but some of you crazies may enjoy hoping in your Tie Fighter and blasting the A-wings. It provided players with new professions, character races, space flight, and personal spacecrafts. Jump to Lightspeed is the first expansion to the Star Wars Galaxies series. This title is discontinued, as it is now included in the new Star Wars Galaxies “Starter Kit”.

Star wars galaxies jump to lightspeed