Red orchestra 2 stg44
Red orchestra 2 stg44

red orchestra 2 stg44

  • Damaging with on-perk weapons and then finishing it off with an off-perk weapon divides the XP and grants it to both perks.
  • Killing with weapons other than your current perk grants the XP to the perk that weapons belongs to.
  • The base damage value further modified by the difficulty-specific multipliers.

    red orchestra 2 stg44

    This value is determined by the number of players that are alive when Hans Volter spawns.

    red orchestra 2 stg44

    Hans Volter's base health value is 5268 on Normal, 6084 on Hard, 6307 on Suicidal, and 8013 on Hell on Earth. This increase in value is massive per player. Hans Volter has his health value scaled accordingly to the number of players in the game. Under normal circumstances it is impossible to do anything with the bounty earned from killing Hans Volter other than to throw it around in post-victory idle time. Hans Volter does not have head health as he cannot be decapitated. But seeing it almost is rather weird i wish i could also manually recock the rifle with Gewehr 41 i did it once with a Gewehr 41 i saw at waver militaria fair.For kill reward calculations read Dosh Mechanics. Its the MK412 (Czech entry for the MP44 program) and AVT40 wich will ruin people there days.(Note AVT-40 is the full automatic version of SVT-40, and the SVT-40 was present in very large numbers already in the beginning of WW2) If you buy a WW2 game for absolute historical accuracy.then you wont like a few things. Only a 5 round bigger magazine is your advantage for the PPSH(drum mag needs to be unlocked) Exept for the MP40.Wich is vastly superior to the PPSH in EVERY way.close combat, long range combat.It is more powerfull, more accurate.AKA better in everything.

    red orchestra 2 stg44

    I know many fixes have been made and ready for the release, but it is rather meh for the beta.īalance wise it seems rather nice. Still, the game is rather laggy and buggy. The infantry combat is nice and it feels like i am playing that good old Call of duty online.

    Red orchestra 2 stg44